Prostate Relief Express (Plus+)
Ingredients: Pumpkin seed extract, African rosa roxburghii tratt extract, saw palmetto extract, tomato lycopene (Seaweed Plant Capsule)
Contents: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill
- Description
The Prostate-Cure is made from the most common anti-inflammatory and discutient herbal drugs in western clinical medicine, combined with TCM nutritional therapy and the most advanced U.S. plant extraction technology. The product takes effect without delay, and contains extremely effective antioxidant and cell-repairing components, helping to heal your body’s damaged cells.
Long-term use of conventional prescription prostaglandins can be greatly harmful to the body, especially to the liver and the kidney, because they can disrupt the urinary system and endocrine system in the long run.
Prostate-Cure can unblock your prostate immediately
Takes effect within 3 days;
Within 1 month, user will feel good each day;
User may reduce or suspend conventional drug use within 3 months;
User will completely recover within 6 months

Prostate-Cure is suitable for use by
- both men and women with the following conditions:
- Women with urethritis.
- Foamy urine.
- Chronic prostatic disorders, before and after prostatectomy.
- People that frequently must get up in the night to urinate
- People with frequent but small amounts of urination (oliguria).
- People with severe prostatic functional deterioration.
- People suffering from hair loss.
- Men who wish to improve their vitality and skin.
- People with severe prostatic swelling or painful or difficult urination.
- Chronic scrotal dermatitis or sweating.
The following are real success stories from our customers, all of whom suffered from common illnesses. These are just a sample; there are many other redundant or duplicate cases which will not be shared here. The examples given in the First Edition will also not be repeated here, while the present 2nd Edition will also cover cases regarding the same type of severe symptoms. For cases where symptoms are less severe than those described below, you may expect even more rapid treatment and greater effect. Some of these cases are follow-ups of individuals whose cases were reported in the First Edition. Although those of good health may not feel dramatic improvements after long-term use, these products are extremely effective in improving and maintaining the body’s physiological functions and overall health and strength.
1. After prostate cancer surgery:
Mr. Chen suffered from severe prostate disorders for 5 or 6 years, and an examination suggested a malignant disease, although this clearly was not cured via the ensuing operation. He still suffered from swelling, pain, and dysuria. After taking Prostate-Cure for 7 days, these symptom were significantly relieved, and he felt it easier to urinate, with higher urine volume each time. 1 month later, he started taking both Prostate-Cure and Lucid Ganoderma Capsule; 3 months later, all of his symptoms disappeared, and during this time he also ceased using all conventional prostaglandins. About 6 months later, his prostatic function recovered, and his energy and vitality had fully recovered.
Pharmacological Principles:
Prostate-Cure can quickly cleanse the prostate and eliminate all waste blocking the prostatic duct. The Lucid Ganoderma Capsule can also serve to quickly invigorate the body’s qi and nourish the blood to further unclog the duct, whiling repair damaged cells to rapidly recover organ function.
We suggest:
People with acute prostatic disorders can increase their dosage and frequency during severe symptoms, and gradually return their dosage to normal levels after symptom relief.
2. Before prostate surgery, the Prostate-Cure can radically relieve symptoms and reduce the risks of surgery:
Mr. Liu suffered from severe prostatic disorders, including dysuria, which was sometimes so serious that he failed to urinate after half an hour of waiting. He had to get up to urinate 5 or 6 times every night. The doctor suggested him undergo an operation, but he was worried about the risks of surgery. However, he suffered from increasingly frequent and acute attacks, and was greatly troubled. He first bought Prostate-Cure at one of our exhibitions and felt much better within 1 month. He then bought more and later had his urine volume increased, while issues of urine leakage were eliminated. His nocturnal needs to urinate had also decreased to once per night or not at all.
3 months later, all of his symptoms disappeared; 6 months later, he reduced the dosage to maintenance levels
3. For chronic prostatic disorders, Prostate-Cure can help to remove the dependence on conventional drugs:
Mr. Ruan suffered from chronic prostate disorders and took conventional drugs to treat them for many years. After just one day of using Prostate-Cure, he couldn’t wait to buy more. He praised the product for its effectiveness, and the salesperson for recommending it to him! He bought a great deal for his second purchase, as some of it was for a friend of his. 3 months later, he had stopped taking all conventional drugs, and he got increasingly better.
4. Female urethritis and vaginal discharge:
Ms. Liang suffered from urethritis more than half a year, and she took both Chinese and conventional drugs to treat them, none of which produced results. Her friend recommended Prostate-Cure to her, and she felt much better 7 days later, with her swilling and itchiness relieved. About 1 month later, her urethritis completely disappeared, and about 3 months later, the color of her vaginal discharge returned to a clear, healthy state.
5. Dark-colored and murky or foamy urine:
Mr. Liu had long produced dark, foamy urine. After taking Prostate-Cure for 1 month, the bubbles in his urine disappeared and it became light-colored. 3 months later, the urine had turned faint yellow and clear.