• 0 out of 5

    Bone Fit

    Ingredients: Fish bone meal, fish collagen peptide, evening primrose seed oil powder, saffron crocus extract, donkey-hide gelatin (seaweed plant capsule)
    Contents: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill


    • Substantial effect within 7 days

    • Highly concentrated and purified
    • Thorough anti-inflammatory and pain reliever
    • All-natural and free of allopathic drugs
  • 0 out of 5

    Blood Vessel Health

    Ingredients: Natto, red yeast extract, coenzyme Q10, grifola frondosus extract, seabuckthorn flavone, rhodiola rosea extract
    Contents: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill


    Before and after stent implantation, Blood Vessel Health can help you to clear your blood vessels safely and securely.

    • Substantial effect within 7 days

    • Before and after stent implantation;
    • Frequent headaches and dizziness;
    • Frequent paralysis/stiffness/numbness in the limbs;
    • Major chronic pains in the heart or stomach
    • Severe stiffness, numbness, or paralysis of the body
  • 0 out of 5

    Blood Plasma Immunity Pellet

    Ingredients: Red lucid ganoderma extract, ginseng extract, saffron crocus extract
    Contains: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill

    Rapidly nourishes, stimulates, and purifies the blood to provide swift improvements to the human immune system

    • Highly concentrated and purified
    • Thoroughly cleanses the liver and kidneys
    • Nourishes cells to regenerate and replace damaged tissue
    • Restores hepatorenal function
    • Discharges liver toxins and improves renal circulation
    • Delays aging and prevents cellular deterioration
  • 0 out of 5

    Professional Pure Cordyceps Sinensis Capsule

    Ingredients: Cordyceps sinensis extract, powdered fermented cordyceps sinensis spawn, cephalosporium sinensis sporocarp extract, hericium erinaceus polysaccharide (seaweed plant capsule)
    Contents: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill.

    Just one of our professionally purified cordyceps sinensis capsules is as effective as
    20 pills of standard powdered cordyceps sinensis

  • 0 out of 5

    Lucid Ganoderma Capsule

    Ingredients: Red lucid ganoderma extract, ginseng extract, saffron crocus extract
    Contains: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill

    Rapidly nourishes, stimulates, and purifies the blood to provide swift improvements to the human immune system

    • Highly concentrated and purified
    • Thoroughly cleanses the liver and kidneys
    • Nourishes cells to regenerate and replace damaged tissue
    • Restores hepatorenal function
    • Discharges liver toxins and improves renal circulation
    • Delays aging and prevents cellular deterioration
  • 0 out of 5

    Prostate Relief Express (Plus+)

    Ingredients: Pumpkin seed extract, African rosa roxburghii tratt extract, saw palmetto extract, tomato lycopene (Seaweed Plant Capsule)

    Contents: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill

  • 0 out of 5

    Corioius Versicolor Pellet

    Ingredients: Red lucid ganoderma extract, ginseng extract, saffron crocus extract
    Contains: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill

    Rapidly nourishes, stimulates, and purifies the blood to provide swift improvements to the human immune system

    • Highly concentrated and purified
    • Thoroughly cleanses the liver and kidneys
    • Nourishes cells to regenerate and replace damaged tissue
    • Restores hepatorenal function
    • Discharges liver toxins and improves renal circulation
    • Delays aging and prevents cellular deterioration
  • 0 out of 5

    Sunshine Coriolus Versicolor

    Ingredients: Red lucid ganoderma extract, ginseng extract, saffron crocus extract
    Contains: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill

    Rapidly nourishes, stimulates, and purifies the blood to provide swift improvements to the human immune system

    • Highly concentrated and purified
    • Thoroughly cleanses the liver and kidneys
    • Nourishes cells to regenerate and replace damaged tissue
    • Restores hepatorenal function
    • Discharges liver toxins and improves renal circulation
    • Delays aging and prevents cellular deterioration
  • 0 out of 5

    Fast Fat Burning Capsule

    Ingredients: L-carnitine, green tea extract, lotus leaf extract, cassia nomame extract, coix seed extract, fructus cannabis extract, chromium-rich yeast (Seaweed Plant Capsule)

    Contents: 60 pills/bottle, 450mg/pill.

  • 0 out of 5


    濃縮發酵原液; 濃縮草本液體提純原液; 益生菌

    內容量:8瓶/盒; 50ml/瓶

    • 軟堅散結、消炎消腫、化積消滯、化痰祛濕、化酸祛濕、止痛解燥
    • 保護腎臟、通便、分解尿酸
    • 適合人士 : 尿酸痛|嚴重三高|腎功能退化|痛症體質
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:枸杞提取物、決明子提取物、黃精提取物、藍莓粉、金桔粉、葉黃素酯微囊粉(辛烯基琥珀酸澱粉鈉、麥芽糊精、玉米澱粉、葉黃素酯、抗壞血酸);發酵原液;營養素:β-胡蘿蔔素、維他命C、維他命E、維他命B6、維他命B12、蕃茄紅素、葡萄糖酸鋅; 益生元(無糖)(無人造色素、無防腐劑、無香精)


    內容量:8瓶/盒; 50ml/瓶

    • 明目、清晰、透亮
    • 經典明目古方,葉黃素、玉米黃素,改善視錐細胞營養不良
    • 多種維生素
    • 適合人士:眼乾、眼澀人士|眼濁、眼部痰濕重人士|容易流眼水人士|
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:魚膠原蛋白肽(含有魚類成分) 、 透明質酸鈉、 煙酰胺、 β-胡蘿蔔素、 葡萄糖酸鋅;
    植物提取物: 茯苓提取物、 乾薑提取物、玉竹提取物、 肉桂提取物、 橘紅提取物、人參提取物、 甘草提取物、 葛根提取物; 濃縮發酵原液; 益生菌

    內容量:8瓶/盒; 50ml/瓶
    每支含5000mg 魚膠原蛋白肽

    • 白嫩透紅、緊緻Q彈、淨白淡斑、收毛孔、除皺
    • 適合人士:6-12歲手腳冰冷兒童|身體瘦弱的青少年|氣血虧虛的中老年人士|
      面部色斑、 皮膚鬆馳人士|肌膚腫脹、眼袋重人士|眼窩、額頭、太陽穴、臉頰凹陷人士