• 0 out of 5


    原材料名:提取物: 蟲草菌絲多醣、赤靈芝多醣、肉蓯蓉多醣、黃芪多醣; 濃縮水提純原液

    內容物:8瓶/盒; 30ml/瓶


    • 化痰利潤止咳
    • 止癢、消腫、開聲
    • 除頑痰化鼻濕
    • 補肺氣潤肺燥
    • 益氣補益肝血
    • 滋陰補益腎水
    • 強通心肺、強補肺氣
    • 補腎益精、活血調經、活血通筋
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:提取物:銀杏多醣、人蔘多醣、麥冬多醣; 濃縮水提純原液

    內容物:8瓶/盒; 30ml/瓶


    • 生津止渴、補腦益智、解鬱除煩
    • 促進心腎相交
    • 促進心血上腦
    • 平心火助睡眠
    • 疏通眼、耳、口、鼻
    • 促進腦細胞更新
    • 促進腎氣腎水上腦 
  • 0 out of 5

    Bone Fit+Vascular Clearance

    Severe bone spurs; severe ischialgia and sciatic pain; severe lumbar and cervical disorders; severe dysuria or painful urination; severe bodily pain

  • 0 out of 5

    Lucid Ganoderma Capsule+Professional Cordyceps Sinensis

    Severe hepatic, renal, and pulmonary diseases; severe deterioration of hepatic, renal, and pulmonary function; severe hearing loss; severe tinnitus; severe difficulty breathing; severe tracheal disorders; chronic respiratory disorders; severe nasal allergies; severe insomnia; stubborn skin problems

  • 0 out of 5

    Lucid Ganoderma Capsule+Vascular Clearance

    Stubborn circulatory diseases and toxins in the liver and kidneys, after-effects of electrotherapy and chemotherapy treatments; Severe hypertension, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar (or diabetes); Hypertension, high cholesterol and high blood sugar and related circulatory issues; severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders; Severe headache and dizziness; circulatory disorders resulting in facial stiffness and gout; Severe stiffness or paralysis in the limbs

  • 0 out of 5

    Bone Fit+Lucid Ganoderma Capsule

    Severe cartilage and bone deterioration resulting in mobility difficulties; Bone pain from autoimmune disorders; complications from traffic accidents; ischemic bone degeneration/avascular necrosis; cellular atrophy; soft tissue injuries caused by strenuous exercise

  • 0 out of 5

    Prostate Relief Express (Plus+)+Lucid Ganoderma Capsule

    Severe pelvic circulatory disorders or toxins; severe inhibition of urination; severe urinary dysfunction or irregularities; severe deterioration of renal function; severe hair loss

  • 0 out of 5

    Fast Fat Burn + Lucid Ganoderma Capsule

    Chronic obesity; severe abdominal obesity; obstipation; frequent breakouts or heartburn; high internal heat; Excessively high body fat ratio

