Natural Plant Extraction Techniques Used in All Formulations
Highly concentrated, extremely pure, free of allopathic ingredients, remarkably effective
Far more effective than competing alternative health products:

Standard herbal medicine products take effect within 3-6 months and are often characterized by limited efficacy even when they do take effect, even if such medicines are taken orally for several years.
Lock Health’s products have been shown to take effect within 2-7 days in 80% of patients. If taken regularly, these products will prove efficacious in 99.9% of patients. If taken for a period of 3 months or more, our products have been shown to improve multiple health indicators, and for patients suffering very severe symptoms, significant improvements will be seen in terms of physical condition, disease status, and general health indicators within 1 year of regular treatment.

Our products take effect in critical patients very quickly and can thoroughly eliminate symptoms even after brief periods of treatment. When taken for extended periods, the patient will feel significantly better, and after treatment has been underway their physiological health indices will also significantly improve. After symptoms have disappeared, continued oral use is recommended for a follow-up period to continue improving bodily function and reducing physical ailments. Asymptomatic users may not feel such dramatic improvements, but the product will regulate the function of your internal organs, repair cells, improve your physical appearance, delay aging, and help improve circulation discharge and eliminate toxins to help prevent severe or recurring diseases.

Product introduction

  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名: 100%枸杞籽純油

    內容物:60粒/瓶, 400毫克

    • 快速補血
    • 生津.養陰
    • 濡養神經筋絡.臟腑
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:提取物: 蟲草菌絲多醣、赤靈芝多醣、肉蓯蓉多醣、黃芪多醣; 濃縮水提純原液

    內容物:8瓶/盒; 30ml/瓶


    • 化痰利潤止咳
    • 止癢、消腫、開聲
    • 除頑痰化鼻濕
    • 補肺氣潤肺燥
    • 益氣補益肝血
    • 滋陰補益腎水
    • 強通心肺、強補肺氣
    • 補腎益精、活血調經、活血通筋
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:提取物:銀杏多醣、人蔘多醣、麥冬多醣; 濃縮水提純原液

    內容物:8瓶/盒; 30ml/瓶


    • 生津止渴、補腦益智、解鬱除煩
    • 促進心腎相交
    • 促進心血上腦
    • 平心火助睡眠
    • 疏通眼、耳、口、鼻
    • 促進腦細胞更新
    • 促進腎氣腎水上腦 
  • 0 out of 5



    內容物:8瓶/盒; 30ml/瓶


    • 大補營氣衛氣
    • 強通全身上下氣機
    • 強通三焦氣機
    • 補充人體血液循環動力
    • 消除疲勞提升免疫力
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:300億CFU、益生菌: 植物乳桿菌、長雙歧桿菌、副乾酪乳桿菌、嗜熱鏈球菌、嗜酸乳桿菌、鼠李糖乳桿菌、發酵乳桿菌、瑞士乳桿菌、乾酪乳桿菌、羅伊氏乳桿菌,提取物: 木糖醇、全脂奶粉(含有奶類)、發酵獼猴桃粉(麥芽糊精,發酵獼猴桃汁)、植脂末、麥芽糊精、低聚半乳糖、發酵桑椹粉(麥芽糊精,發酵桑椹汁)、低聚果糖

    內容物:30包/盒, 2g/包

    • 三重包埋技術、不被胃酸破壞直達腸道・益生元 維他命、十聯菌共生發酵 ・ 完美匹配人體菌群
    • 強效修護腸膜、調節腸道PH值、溫度、濕度、調節腸道黏稠度、通透度
  • 0 out of 5


    原材料名:營養肽: 骨膠原蛋白肽、乳清蛋白肽(含有蛋類)、核桃肽(含有本木堅果)、螺旋藻肽、維生素B6、維生素B12、葡萄糖酸鈣、葡萄糖酸鋅、葡萄糖酸亞鐵;濃縮草本液體提純原液

    內容物:8瓶/盒; 30ml/瓶

    (每支含提取物2700mg, 等於6粒450mg膠囊份量)

    • 5種兒童生長所需維他命&礦物質
    • 全面提昇腸胃、骨骼、肌肉神經元、頭髮、皮膚、免疫力
    • 強骨增高、強化消化力、提升免疫力、美味好飲
    • 3歲或以上兒童適合服用

Extra-Strength Rapid-Response Product Mix

Severe bone spurs; severe ischialgia and sciatic pain; severe lumbar and cervical disorders; severe dysuria or painful urination; severe bodily pain

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Severe cartilage and bone deterioration resulting in mobility difficulties; Bone pain from autoimmune disorders; complications from traffic accidents; ischemic bone degeneration/avascular necrosis; cellular atrophy; soft tissue injuries caused by strenuous exercise

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Chronic obesity; severe abdominal obesity; obstipation; frequent breakouts or heartburn; high internal heat; Excessively high body fat ratio

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Severe hepatic, renal, and pulmonary diseases; severe deterioration of hepatic, renal, and pulmonary function; severe hearing loss; severe tinnitus; severe difficulty breathing; severe tracheal disorders; chronic respiratory disorders; severe nasal allergies; severe insomnia; stubborn skin problems

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Severe cartilage and bone deterioration resulting in mobility difficulties; Bone pain from autoimmune disorders; complications from traffic accidents; ischemic bone degeneration/avascular necrosis; cellular atrophy; soft tissue injuries caused by strenuous exercise

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